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The Five Folds of Event Programming


1)Community Service/Social Action : G-d put us on the planet in order for us to help others, and BBYO has 2 programs to help us do this. Teens Actively Serving the Community (TASC) is our main community service program and Actively Concerned Teens, or ACT, is our main social action program.


2)Judaic : This covers all religious aspects of BBYO. BBYO is not normally known as very religious, but that cannot be more wrong.


3)Athletic : This is one of the largest parts of the BBYO program. Every chapter has different athletic events. The most popular athletic event in Mountain Region is Basketball. Every winter, there is an International tournament called the AZAA Tournament. Every chapter participates in an inter-regional tournament, then a regional tournament, and then to the international tournament.


4)Educational : This includes any educational programs, such as having guest speakers, exploring other religions, and discussing drunk driving and stuff like that.


5)Social : Is there any reason to explain? All dances and most events fall under this fold. Our council has an annual Sweetheart Dance.